Testing. Check! 1, 2, 3.

I always find it really funny when the electrical guys come up on stage, bump the mike loudly and say, "Chhhheck. Chhhhheck. Testing. 1, 2, 3." So, the first thing that came to my mind as I sat down to write this post was: Testing! Check! Do these pictures work?!

I'm proud and very happy to announce that I finally own a camera. A real camera. You know - the DSLR type. One that I can play around with. This is exciting as it's a big step up from me. No more grainy, noisy photos. No more taking photos early in the morning to get that perfect light. No more sitting glum on a rainy day thinking, shoot, there's no sun today, that means no photos, no posts. No Sir-ee. Not for me. Well, at least not until I figure out how to actually use this thing.

This also means that I am now on a search (hunt) for a new camera bag. And I'm thoroughly confused. So, if you've used any of these bags and have suggestions, I will gladly take them! Choices are: Ephiphanie, TheIt, Kelly Moore and Emera. If you use or have used any of these bags, please do post a comment below with your pros and cons!

Also, here are my inaugural shots. Every time there's a new camera in the family, inaugural shots have been those of my parents in their PJs. Which, we (I) decided not to scar the world with. So here you are, random shots of random things in my room. Enjoy!

{An Austrian Knight/Sharpener}

{Old Cow Bell from Salzburg}

{My Phone and Cover}

Photo Credits and Copyright: All photos have been taken by Gayatri Kumar and belong to Look who's Wearing (LwW)

LwW Loves: Brownie

Say Hello to Brownie!

My very own vintage baby. All thanks to my lovely grandma, who kept it for so many years. Only to fall into my hands. I'm really excited about Brownie. I can't wait to scrounge Old Delhi shops to find old 620 spools for this camera.

Another trick I learnt is that I can re-spool a 120 spool into the 620 spool. There's just one thing though. I need to find a 620 spool first. If anyone knows where I can find/order a *cheap* 620 spool, please let me know! I would be eternally grateful.

Though I can't take pictures from this lovely old hag, I can take pictures of her! Welcome to my new obsession.

Watch this space for un-filtered vintage-y photos!


Photo Credits and Copyright: All photos have been taken by Gayatri Kumar and belong to Look who's Wearing (LwW)
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